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Every human being is created to worship...

Gospel-centered worship is essentially the enjoyment of God that ends in praise. When we gather together on Sundays to worship God, our hope is that our vision of God would grow. Practically, this means that the songs we sing, the prayers that are voiced, the Word that is preached and the sacrificial service offered are intentionally focused to magnify Jesus Christ. Beyond our Sunday morning gatherings, we aim to be people who are learning to worship God in every aspect of our lives. So we can rightly say that it is our worship of Jesus Christ that fuels our obedience, our discipleship and our evangelism.




The greatest missionary to ever live was Jesus Christ...

He was sent by God the Father from heaven to earth to rescue and redeem sinners. The greatest message ever heard is the good news of all the saving work of Jesus Christ on our behalf- the Gospel. As followers of Christ, we are sent by God to share this good news of salvation in Jesus Christ with all people, both near and far. This is why we talk a lot about the gospel and why we support those involved in purposeful gospel ministries around the world.




To be a disciple is to be a lifelong learner (apprentice) of Jesus Christ...

Our desire is to learn from Jesus how to live and how to love so that we would become God-glorifiers in all of life. Because of this, discipleship is not simply knowing more facts about Jesus or a set of “how to’s” to make this earthly life more palatable. Rather, our intention is that every believer in Jesus Christ would grow in grace and spiritual maturity to more and more reflect the character of Christ in the ordinary, sometimes nitty gritty details of our lives.




Though God saves us individually, out of his kindness and grace for us He places us in a local body of believers (the church) where we learn to love and serve one another...

When a local church is rooted and established in the gospel, we experience the privilege of doing life together, of walking with other people who are also serious about pursuing Christ. This happens more formally in our home groups, where we gather together weekly with other Christians for encouragement and edification. But it also occurs informally – often involving food - as we develop deep spiritual friendships with others and talk about the most important things in our lives that really matter.