GCF Valley Plant

Why plant in Spokane Valley? First and foremost, we are thankful for a group of courageous elders who saw a great need and opportunity for gospel-centered ministry in Spokane Valley. We did not look to do this because we’re the perfect church and we have the market cornered on church, or because we had a lot of people who lived there.  We are a church who desired to gather in Spokane Valley because we are a people whose highest aim is to glorify god in every aspect of life- including worship on Sunday mornings and preaching, praying and singing that really does exalt Christ and speaks much of our Savior. 

We firmly believe that our Reformed faith both satisfies the deep longings of the human soul and is actually an incredible comfort and even a joy in times of troubles and trials. We aim to be a church that moves all people to glorify God in every practical area of life.  So very practically that means then we are a place and we are a people who can, and must, talk about the really important things in life- sin, suffering, mercy, grace, repentance, righteousness, holiness, hope, glory, eternal life. 

What it really means is that on our best days as a church we are humbled by God’s grace for us because everything we have is a gift from him.  And on our really hard days as a church- let’s even call those our worst days- we’re going to know the deep, deep love of God in Christ that will actually sustain us and is sufficient for us.

So a church like ours that is centered on the good news of all the saving work of Jesus that is centered on the gospel -we have a God-given opportunity in Spokane Valley to preach, teach, counsel, disciple and evangelize men, women, boys and girls. And really to either introduce to them for the first time or to remind them of our great God!

- Jeff Brinkman, GCF Valley Preaching Pastor

Church Planting Partnerships

GCF is a member of the Inland Northwest Co-operative. The INC seeks to further the work of the gospel in the Inland Northwest by planting churches, training future pastors, and cooperating for local outreach. It will strengthen the health of its churches by providing doctrinal accountability, ministerial fellowship, and support for churches in need. Visit the INC website for more information.